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zaterdag 4 mei 2024    
17:00 - 17:45


Basiliek van de H. Nicolaas
Prins Hendrikkade 73, Amsterdam
Kaart wordt geladen...

Choral Evensong, Eve of the Fifth Sunday after Easter
St Nicholas Chorale

Introit: Tallis If ye love me
Responses: Tomkins
Office Hymn: In Christ there is no east or west ST PETER
Psalm 98 Cantate Domino (Ley)
Psalm 99 Dominus regnavit (Walmisley)
Canticles: Noble Evening Service in b
Anthem: S.S. Wesley Blessed be the God and Father
Hymn: Love divine, all loves excelling BLAENWERN
Antiphon: Tallis In manus tuas
Organ Voluntary: Howells Psalm prelude set 1 no 1 (Ps 34:6)