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Choral Evensong
zaterdag 15 februari 2025, 17:00
Eucharistieviering (NPO 2)
zondag 16 februari 2025, 10:00
Choral Evensong
zaterdag 15 februari 2025, 17:00
Eucharistieviering (NPO 2)
zondag 16 februari 2025, 10:00


zondag 9 februari 2025

Eucharistieviering, Hoogfeest van de Kerkwijding (5e Zondag dhj)
Basilica Consort

Ammon Terribilis est locus iste
Lassus Missa Bell’ amfitrit (G, A)
Lassus Domine Deus in simplicitate
Handl O quam metuendus
Isaac Introibo ad altare Dei

Choral Evensong
zaterdag 8 februari 2025

Choral Evensong, Eve of the Solemnity of the Consecration of St Nicholas Basilica, Amsterdam
Cappella Nicolai

Introit: Weelkes O how amiable are thy dwellings
Barnard The Preces for Trebles & The Responses
Office Hymn: We love the place, O God QUAM DILECTA
Psalm 84: Quam dilecta!
Canticles: Weelkes Evening service for trebles
Anthem: Purcell I was glad
Hymn: Christ is made the sure foundation WESTMINSTER ABBEY

zondag 2 februari 2025

Eucharistieviering, Feest van de Opdracht van de Heer in de tempel (Maria Lichtmis)
Basilica Consort

Buxtehude Missa Brevis (G)
Isaac Missa Solenne à 6 (A)
Josquin Nunc Dimittis
Philips Hodie Beata Virgo Mariæ
Walter Lumen ad revelationem

Choral Evensong
zaterdag 1 februari 2025

Choral Evensong, Eve of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
St Nicholas Chorale

Introit: Eccard When to the temple Mary went
Responses: Statham
Office Hymn: O gladsome light of grace NUNC DIMITTIS
Psalm 24: Domini est terra
Canticles: Walmisley Evening service in D
Anthem: Giorgi Lumen ad revelationem
Hymn: In his temple now behold him

zondag 26 januari 2025

Eucharistieviering, 3e Zondag dhj
Basilica Consort

Allegri Missa Che fa oggi il mio sole (K, A)
Schütz Die Himmel erzählen
Palestrina Magnus sanctus Paulus
Arcadelt O sacrum convivium

Choral Evensong
zaterdag 25 januari 2025

Choral Evensong, Eve of the Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Cappella Nicolai

Introit: Wood Hail gladdening light
Responses: Francis Jackson
Office Hymn: O Thou, who camest from above HEREFORD
Psalm 19: Cæli enarrant (Pye)
Pärt Magnificat
Holst Nunc Dimittis
Anthem: Parry There is an old belief
Hymn: The day Thou gavest ST CLEMENT

zondag 19 januari 2025

Eucharistieviering, 2e Zondag dhj
Cappella Nicolai

Magalhães Missa O soberana luz (K, A)
Schütz Cantate Domino à 8
Philips Jubilate Deo à 8
Guerrero Alma redemptoris Mater

Choral Evensong
zaterdag 18 januari 2025

Choral Evensong, Eve of the Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Cappella Nicolai 
(men’s voices)

Introit: Tallis Hear the voice and prayer
Responses: Tallis
Office Hymn: Lucis creator optime (Sarum plainchant)
Psalm 96: Cantate Domino
Taverner Magnificat sexti toni
Nunc Dimittis (Tone VI)
Anthem: Tomkins O how amiable are thy dwellings
Hymn: Songs of thankfulness and praise ST EDMUND

zondag 12 januari 2025

Eucharistieviering, Feest van de Doop des Heren
Basilica Consort

Lloyd Webber Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena (G, A)
Rheinberger Dextera Domini
Palestrina Surge illuminare
Mawby Ave verum

Choral Evensong
zaterdag 11 januari 2025

Choral Evensong, Eve of the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
St Nicholas Chorale

Introit: Willan Arise, shine, for thy light is come
Responses: Neary
Office Hymn: O worship the Lord WAS LEBET
Psalm 29: Afferte Domine
Canticles: Brewer Evening service in D
Anthem: Crotch Lo! Star-led chiefs
Hymn: Earth has many a noble city STUTTGART

H. Nicolaasbasiliek
Prins Hendrikkade 73
1012 AD  Amsterdam

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