Saturday December 23, 2023, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Festival of Nine Lessons Lessons & Carols
Cappella Nicolai
Hymn: Once in Royal David's city IRBY
Prayer Prayer
Arr. Sir Phillip Ledger The Sussex Carol
Lesson 1: Genesis 3 God promises sinful Adam that he has lost the life of Paradise.
Boris Ord Adam lay ybounding
Lesson 2: Isaiah 9 The prophet foretells the coming of the Saviour.
Arr. Willcocks Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
Hymn: Of the Father's heart begotten DIVINUM MYSTERIUM
Lesson 3: Micah 3 The prophet Micah foretells the glory of little Bethlehem.
Warlock Bethlehem Down
Hymn: O Little town of Bethlehem FOREST GREEN
Lesson 4: Luke 1 The angel Gabriel salutes the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Villette Hymn à la Vierge
Lesson 5: Luke 2 St Luke tells of the birth of Jesus.
Anthony Piccolo Jesus Christ, the apple tree
Lesson 6: Luke 2 The shepherds adore the infant King.
Poulenc Quem vidistis, chaplains?
Hymn: While shepherds watched their flocks by night WINCHESTER OLD
Lesson 7: Matthew 2 The Wise Men are led by the star to Jesus.
Mendelssohn There shall be a star
Hymn: As with gladness, men of old DIX
Lesson 8: Hebrews 1 In the fullness of time, God sent his Son, whose reign is forever and ever.
Hymn: Rake! the herald angels sing MENDELSSOHN
Lesson 9: John 1 St John unfolds the mystery of the Incarnation.
Poulenc O magnum mystery
Prayers and Blessings
Hymn: O come, all ye faithful ADESTE FIDELIS